Year 3-6
Al-Ameen College offers a comprehensive Primary School education program catering for children in Years 1 to 6. Our Primary School staff are dedicated teachers who work to build a solid academic basis for their students while recognising and encouraging the development of Islamic foundations in their lives. The Primary School curriculum places an emphasis on acquiring literacy and numeracy skills in an integrated approach across the eight areas of learning:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Health and Physical Education
- Technologies: Digital & Design Technologies
- Languages other than English (Arabic)
- The Arts: Drama, Media & Visual Arts
In addition to the College’s commitment to the core curriculum, the Primary School community enjoys the benefits of access to specialist subject teachers in areas such as Physical Education, Technology and Arabic. Phys Ed provides our students with many opportunities throughout the week to participate in vigorous activity and develop basic skills through the medium of enjoyable play. Information Technology operating from the Primary School’s own dedicated ICT Lab, assists our students to develop their computing and media skills. Arabic (LOTE – Language Other Than English) prepares our students for further study of this language at Secondary and Tertiary levels.
Al-Ameen College is fortunate to take part in several state and national initiatives for school improvement. We have enjoyed the positive academic impact that these initiatives have had throughout our school community. Critical and creative thinking are fundamental to students becoming successful learners. Thinking that is productive, purposeful and intentional is at the centre of effective learning.
In Years s 3-6, the emphasis is on Higher Order Thinking, multi-intelligences and paying more attention to collaboration, flexibility and using ICT as an effective learning resource. The teaching units are integrated so that learning is more reflective of real life, and each student has the opportunity to explore their area of interest. Children have now developed learning skills and so are challenged to work independently, identify their current and future learning needs and begin to self-assess their performance.
Finally, the Primary School program provides students with a balanced academic, social and spiritual development in preparation for entry to the Middle School. Our college also incorporates a wide range of options that enable ongoing monitoring and assessment of your child’s progress using standardised tests and Summative assessments to plan for and implement teaching strategies to meet your child’s individual needs.